Kumpulan Kosakata Bisnis dalam Bahasa Inggris: Pengertian dan Contoh

Kumpulan kosakata bisnis dalam bahasa Inggris merujuk pada sekumpulan kata-kata dan frasa yang sering digunakan dalam konteks bisnis, seperti dalam presentasi, negosiasi, atau komunikasi sehari-hari di dunia kerja. Kosakata ini penting untuk dipahami oleh para profesional yang ingin berhasil dalam karir bisnis internasional. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh kumpulan kosakata bisnis yang sering digunakan:

  1. Presentasi dan Rapat Bisnis
    • “Let’s move on to the next slide.”
    • “Does anyone have any questions or comments?”
    • “I’d like to emphasize the key points of our proposal.”
  2. Negosiasi dan Penawaran
    • “We can offer a competitive price for bulk orders.”
    • “Let’s discuss the terms of the contract.”
    • “We’re open to negotiations to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.”
  3. Email dan Komunikasi Tertulis
    • “Attached is the latest version of the report.”
    • “Please review the document and provide feedback.”
    • “Thank you for your prompt response.”
  4. Telepon dan Komunikasi Langsung
    • “I’m calling to follow up on our previous discussion.”
    • “Could we schedule a meeting for next week?”
    • “I’ll send you the details via email.”
  5. Pertanyaan Umum dan Pernyataan Bisnis
    • “What are the current market trends?”
    • “Our sales have increased significantly this quarter.”
    • “We’re exploring new opportunities for expansion.”

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Contoh Kumpulan Kosakata Bisnis dalam Bahasa Inggris

  1. Business Presentation Vocabulary
    • Introduction: “Good morning, everyone. Today, I’ll be presenting our quarterly sales report.”
    • Transition: “Let’s move on to the financial projections for the next quarter.”
    • Conclusion: “In conclusion, I believe our strategies will lead to further growth.”
  2. Negotiation and Proposal Terms
    • Offering: “We’re offering a 10% discount for early orders.”
    • Counteroffer: “Can you make a counteroffer regarding the payment terms?”
    • Agreement: “We’ve reached an agreement on the delivery schedule.”
  3. Email Communication Phrases
    • Inquiry: “I’m writing to inquire about your product specifications.”
    • Confirmation: “Please confirm receipt of the attached contract.”
    • Follow-up: “I’m following up on our meeting last week regarding the partnership.”

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Dengan memahami dan menguasai kumpulan kosakata bisnis ini, kita dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi dalam lingkungan bisnis yang kompetitif. Yuk, terus belajar dan mengembangkan kosakata bisnis kita untuk kesuksesan karir yang lebih baik!

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